Cyclavance - Rabbit
Cyclavance is a medication used for the treatment of chronic cases of atopic dermatitis in dogs and as symptomatic treatment of chronic allergic dermatitis in cats.
Atopy can be described as an environmental allergy: an exaggerated reaction of the immune system to substances in the pet's environment, such as house dust mites or pollen. Atopy causes skin problems such as itching and skin and ear infections. Atopy is common in dogs and cats. It is a chronic, recurrent condition that requires lifelong treatment. Other forms of allergic dermatitis (skin inflammation) include flea allergy or food hypersensitivity.
The action of Cyclavance
The active substance in Cyclavance is ciclosporin. This drug helps to reduce inflammation and itching associated with atopic or allergic dermatitis.
Administration of Cyclavance
For dogs, this veterinary medicine should be administered at least 2 hours before or after feeding. The medication must be given directly into the mouth in one go. For cats, this veterinary medicine can be administered either with food or directly into the mouth.
Dosage of Cyclavance
Cyclavance is available as an oral solution of 100 mg/ml.
The recommended average dosage of ciclosporin for dogs is 5 mg/kg body weight (0.05 ml oral solution per kg). For cats, the recommended dosage is 7 mg/kg body weight (0.07 ml oral solution per kg).
Cyclavance is initially given daily. When the clinical symptoms of atopic dermatitis are sufficiently under control, the medication can be administered every other day as a maintenance dose in consultation with a veterinarian. In some cases, when clinical symptoms are under control with every-other-day dosing, the veterinarian may decide to administer the medication every three to four days.
Initially, Cyclavance is administered daily. If the symptoms of atopic dermatitis are sufficiently under control, the medication can be given every other day as a maintenance dose in consultation with the veterinarian. In certain cases, if symptoms remain stable with every-other-day dosing, the veterinarian may opt to administer the medication every three to four days.
Cyclavance is only available with a prescription from your veterinarian.
Additional medications and supplements
Atopy or allergic dermatitis are chronic conditions, requiring lifelong or at least regular treatment. Treatment usually involves multiple approaches, and one specific medication alone is often not sufficient.
Support for the skin barrier
In dogs and cats with atopy and allergic dermatitis, the skin barrier is compromised. This reduces protection against external invaders such as bacteria and yeasts, and the skin also dries out more quickly as the barrier retains less moisture. Fortunately, the skin barrier can be supported with spot-ons and supplements, which can significantly improve the condition of the skin.
From the inside, you can support your pet's skin barrier by providing extra omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) from fish oil: for example, Doils Skin or Seraquin Omega. Additionally, special diets like Sanimed Skin/Sensitive Dog or Sanimed Skin/Sensitive Cat can provide extra support for the sensitive skin of your dog or cat.
You can also give your cat or dog's skin barrier a boost externally. Allerderm Spot-On contains a lipid complex that matches the composition and structure of lipids in the skin barrier. This spot-on helps restore the skin barrier.
Treatment of (secondary) skin inflammations and infections
Animals with atopy or allergic dermatitis may suffer from recurring infections, which sometimes require medications such as antibiotics, medicated shampoos, or (ear) ointments. In many cases, the skin can be soothed by regularly using a mild antibacterial shampoo or mousse such as Douxo Pyo or Pyoderm Shampoo. Small wounds caused by scratching can be treated with a soothing honey ointment like Dermiel Wound Ointment. Dogs with atopy are at an increased risk of developing hotspots. In such cases, Maxani Cleanser Spray or Dermacool Hotspot Spray are ideal for treating the affected area.
Caring for sensitive skin
It is generally better not to bathe a dog with sensitive skin too often. If bathing is necessary, use a mild, moisturizing shampoo such as Dermoscent Atop 7 Shampoo or Allermyl Shampoo. A oatmeal-based shampoo is also extremely gentle and nourishing for your dog's atopic skin. If your dog regularly suffers from skin infections, bathing more frequently might be necessary. Always follow the advice of your veterinarian.
Cats generally find bathing very stressful, so it is usually better to avoid it. However, dry skin can be treated with a moisturizing lotion based on oats, such as DermAllay Oatmeal Conditioner Spray. This spray is also suitable for dogs.
If your dog regularly suffers from ear infections, an ear cleaner such as CleanAural Sensitive can help keep the ears clean.
Finally, it is important to keep skin folds clean and dry using special wipes. A good flea treatment for your dog or cat is also essential to prevent unnecessary scratching.
Atopy and allergic dermatitis are persistent chronic conditions that, unfortunately, cannot be completely cured. It is normal for itching and skin inflammation to occasionally flare up, even with medications like Cyclavance. Fortunately, symptoms can often be reasonably well managed with the right treatment and care.
If you have any questions about Cyclavance, please contact us.