The Feliway products contains a synthetic variant of the facial pheromone of cats. Pheromones are hormone-like substances that are secreted by animals to communicate with other animals. The cat marks places and objects with the facial pheromone by rubbing its head along it. The marked spots are recognized as familiar and calming by the cat. Marking with facial pheromone prevents marking with urine (the so-called spraying). The Feliway products can be used to make your cat comfortable in a new surrounding or in stress situations, and with unwanted scratching and urine spraying.
By discovering a new pheromone complex in cats, Feliway Optimum helps cats to calm down and reassure themselves better than ever before. Feliway Optimum helps cats to overcome the stressful situations of modern life and regain peace of mind and serenity.
Stressful situations can include the arrival of a new family member (animal or baby), new furniture, a party or fireworks. The diffuser can also be used as a complement to the Feliway Spray in a room where the cat demonstrates unwanted scratching and urine spraying.
Use: Plug the diffuser into the area where the cat is normally found. Avoid placing it behind a door, curtain or furniture for better performance. The diffuser will diffuse its pheromones for one month. After that, you can easily put a refill in the diffuser. It is recommended to change the Feliway diffuser after about 6 months for best results. The diffuser covers a space of approximately 70 m2
Packaging: The package contains a diffuser and a 48 ml refill. The refill contains only one 48 ml bottle.
Please note! The evaporator is suitable for type C sockets, a world plug will be required for use with other sockets.
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The Feliway products contains a synthetic variant of the facial pheromone of cats. Pheromones are hormone-like substances that are secreted by animals to communicate with other animals. The cat marks places and objects with the facial pheromone by rubbing its head along it. The marked spots are recognized as familiar and calming by the cat. Marking with facial pheromone prevents marking with urine (the so-called spraying). The Feliway products can be used to make your cat comfortable in a new surrounding or in stress situations, and with unwanted scratching and urine spraying.
By discovering a new pheromone complex in cats, Feliway Optimum helps cats to calm down and reassure themselves better than ever before. Feliway Optimum helps cats to overcome the stressful situations of modern life and regain peace of mind and serenity.
Stressful situations can include the arrival of a new family member (animal or baby), new furniture, a party or fireworks. The diffuser can also be used as a complement to the Feliway Spray in a room where the cat demonstrates unwanted scratching and urine spraying.
Use: Plug the diffuser into the area where the cat is normally found. Avoid placing it behind a door, curtain or furniture for better performance. The diffuser will diffuse its pheromones for one month. After that, you can easily put a refill in the diffuser. It is recommended to change the Feliway diffuser after about 6 months for best results. The diffuser covers a space of approximately 70 m2
Packaging: The package contains a diffuser and a 48 ml refill. The refill contains only one 48 ml bottle.
Please note! The evaporator is suitable for type C sockets, a world plug will be required for use with other sockets.