Lax-A-Past is a dietary supplement in paste form for cats with digestive problems. Cats have the typical habit of licking the coat for a longer time, which causes much hair to be absorbed. This phenomenon is more common in cats who do not come outside much and thus do not lose hair in a natural way. Because of the absorption of hair digestive problems can occur, which can manifest itself in vomiting, dry cough and constipation. The pasta should only be administered orally.
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Lax-A-Past is a dietary supplement in paste form for cats with digestive problems. Cats have the typical habit of licking the coat for a longer time, which causes much hair to be absorbed. This phenomenon is more common in cats who do not come outside much and thus do not lose hair in a natural way. Because of the absorption of hair digestive problems can occur, which can manifest itself in vomiting, dry cough and constipation. The pasta should only be administered orally.