Sanimed Intestinal dog food is a dietary food to compensate for poor digestion, to reduce acute intestinal absorption disorders and to reduce intolerances to certain ingredients and/or nutrients. Sanimed Intestinal contains insect as the only animal protein source. Thanks to the reduced fat content (8.5%), the product can also be used for pancreatitis patients.
Sanimed Intestinal:
• with acute diarrhea or during the subsequent recovery period
• helps reduce food intolerances thanks to insect as the only intact protein source
• promotes the absorption of nutrients thanks to highly digestible proteins and carbohydrates and a moderate fat content
• provides support to the immune system
• helps reduce the inflammatory response
• helps to compensate for electrolyte loss with thin stools
• suitable for dogs from 14 weeks of age
Rice, pea protein isolate, dehydrated insect (13%), potato starch, minerals, animal fat (poultry), fish oil, dried beet pulp, hydrolyzed chicken liver, yeast extract (source of beta glucans 0.08%)