
Milpro is a broad-spectrum deworming treatment for dogs and cats that is safe to use and effective against the most common worms. Moreover, Milpro for dogs and Milpro for cats come in highly palatable tablets, making them easy to administer.

Milpro is available in:

  • Milpro for small dogs and puppies, for dogs from 500g
  • Milpro for large dogs, for dogs from 5kg
  • Milpro for small cats and kittens, for cats from 500g to 2kg
  • Milpro for large cats, for cats from 2kg

Active Ingredients

Milpro for dogs and Milpro for cats contain the active ingredients Milbemycin Oxime and Praziquantel. Milbemycin Oxime is effective against roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and can also be used to prevent heartworm. Praziquantel is effective against tapeworm infections, including the fox tapeworm.

The Importance of Deworming

Deworming your dog and deworming your cat is very important. Worms can cause physical issues such as diarrhea, vomiting, coughing (lung and heartworms), stunted growth in puppies and kittens, lethargy, and weight loss in dogs and cats. Furthermore, some types of worms that infect dogs or cats can also infect humans!

Due to the health risks for both animals and humans, preventing worm infestations is crucial. Proper and regular deworming of dogs and cats is essential!


Milpro chewable tablets should be given orally, with or after some food. Since the tablets are palatable, they are generally easy to administer. Milpro tablets for small dogs and puppies, as well as for cats, are divisible.

Milpro Dosage for Dogs

The practical dosage depends on the dog’s body weight:



Milpro tablets for small dogs and puppies

Milpro tablets for large dogs

½ - 1 kg

½ tablet

>1 - 5 kg

1 tablet

>5 - 10 kg

2 tablets

1 tablet

>10 - 25 kg

1 tablet

>25 - 50 kg

2 tablets

>50 - 75 kg

3 tablets

How Often Should Dogs and Cats Be Dewormed?

The appropriate deworming advice can vary by individual pet. If in doubt, consult your veterinarian. General recommendations include:

Adult Dogs and Cats

ESCCAP (European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites) recommends deworming adult dogs and cats that go outdoors at least four times per year. However, the final deworming schedule should be tailored individually, depending on the exposure risk of your dog or cat to specific worms.


Puppies can be infected in the womb and through their mother's milk, requiring more frequent deworming than adult dogs.

The recommended puppy deworming schedule is:

  • At two, four, six, and eight weeks old, the puppy should be dewormed. Then, a monthly schedule should be followed until the puppy reaches six months of age.
  • From six months onward, the adult dog deworming schedule can be followed.


Since kittens can acquire roundworms through their mother’s milk, it is important to deworm them together with their mother starting at three weeks of age.

The kitten deworming schedule is:

  • Deworming at three, five, seven, and nine weeks of age, followed by monthly deworming until the kitten is six months old.
  • From six months onward, the adult cat deworming schedule can be followed.

Medications and Supplements Alongside Milpro

Worms are internal parasites, but dogs and cats can also be affected by external parasites like fleas, ticks, mites, and sandflies. Some tapeworms use fleas as intermediate hosts, meaning flea and worm infestations often occur simultaneously. A good flea treatment such as Adtab or Advantage is an essential part of preventive care for your cat or dog.

Often, worm infestations cause no visible symptoms. However, in some cases, they may lead to diarrhea or other digestive issues such as vomiting. Alongside deworming with Milpro, you can support your pet’s digestive system with probiotics like Protexin Pro-Kolin Advanced, Purina Pro Plan FortiFlora for Dogs, or Purina Pro Plan FortiFlora for Cats. Water-binding psyllium fibers in Iso-Gel help to firm up stool.

If you have any questions about Milpro or deworming your dog or cat, please contact us.

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