Review policy

Reviews are very helpful to us and customers. Anyone may write a review, as long as the conditions described in this review policy are met.

We collect product reviews, reviews from customers about the purchased products, on our website and are shown with the relevant products after approval. Company reviews, reviews about customers' experience with our company, are collected for us by Kiyoh/Klantenvertellen.

Product reviews

Customers who have purchased a product from us can write a review about their own experience with the product. A product review will first be assessed by us before publication, to prevent fake reviews.

A product review:
-    may only be written by the purchaser/recipient of the product
-    should not be a response to other reviews
-    may not contain personal data or other descriptions that can be traced back to a person
-    may not contain any false, deceptive or fraudulent content
-    may not contain discriminatory, offensive or insulting texts

If a product review does not meet the above points, it will not be published. If a product review does meet these points, it will be published (even if it concerns a negative review).

If a product review is published, customers with an account receive 100 PharmaPoints as standard. If we ask you to test a product and write a product review about it, this will always be stated in the product review.

Company reviews

Customer reviews about the experience with our company are collected by Kiyoh/Klantenvertellen. Read more about Kiyoh/Klantenvertellen terms of use here.

If you write a review on a platform other than Kiyoh/Klantenvertellen, such as Trustpilot or Google, their terms and conditions of use apply.