The Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever is known for its enthusiastic, intelligent, and friendly nature. It is, therefore, a true family dog. However, Golden Retrievers require a lot of exercise and stimulation, both physically and mentally. An active owner who can dedicate time and attention to the dog is ideal.

The Golden Retriever in a Nutshell

Golden Retrievers were originally bred as hunting dogs, specializing in locating and retrieving shot game. Golden Retrievers, whose name means "golden retriever," are known for their "soft mouth," which allows them to bring back game without damaging it.

Nowadays, the Golden Retriever is also popular as a family and show dog. Thanks to their intelligence and friendly character, they are also often used as guide dogs for the blind or assistance dogs. They belong to breed group 8: Retrievers, Spaniels, and Water Dogs. On average, they live about twelve years.

Character Traits of the Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are gentle, intelligent, and energetic with great endurance. They are generally easy to train, but can be stubborn. They respond well to a friendly approach and love attention.

Due to their origins as hunting dogs, they have a natural urge to retrieve and like to carry something in their mouths. Most Golden Retrievers love to swim. Playing in the mud is also a favorite...

They are usually friendly towards strangers and generally get along well with other dogs. With proper socialization, they can often live well with other pets.

Golden Retrievers are tolerant and suitable for families with children, but as with any dog, supervision around young children is essential. Children should also learn to interact respectfully with the dog.

Due to their intelligence and drive to work, it is important that a Golden Retriever receives enough exercise AND mental stimulation. A bored Golden Retriever will become frustrated and may display undesirable behavior.

Golden Retrievers from working lines often have a stronger hunting drive and are less suitable as a pure companion dog.

Care of the Golden Retriever

To keep your buddy in top condition, it is important to take good care of them

Skin and Coat Care of the Golden Retriever

The fact that the Golden Retriever loves water and mud and has thick, wavy fur means that it requires regular coat care. Comb through the longer hairs well to prevent matting and remove excess hair between the paw pads and around the ear canal. Trimming twice a year can be pleasant. After swimming in dirty or salty water, it is advisable to rinse with clean water, possibly using a special dog shampoo such as Douxo Care.

Golden Retrievers often have a sensitive skin. Allergies, such as atopy, are common. From the inside, you can support your dog's skin barrier by giving extra omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) from fish oil, such as Doils Skin or Megaderm. A dog with sensitive skin should not be washed too often with shampoo. If it is necessary, use a mild, moisturizing shampoo such as Dermoscent Atop 7 Shampoo or Allermyl. A honey-based shampoo is also extremely gentle and soothing for the skin of an atopic dog. Regularly use a caring ear cleaner such as CleanAural Sensitive to keep your Golden Retriever's ears clean if they are prone to ear infections. A dry skin can be treated with a moisturizing lotion based on oats, such as DermAllay Oatmeal Conditioner Spray.

A Healthy Weight

Golden Retrievers are prone to obesity, which increases the risk of joint problems. Therefore, it is important to keep an eye on your dog's weight. Sufficient exercise, not too many treats, and the right amount of dog food help your dog maintain a healthy weight. If your dog is already overweight, a special low-calorie food with extra fiber will help them lose weight without feeling hungry.

True Outdoor Dogs

Golden Retrievers love to roam through bushes, across fields, and through ditches. With this lifestyle come certain risks. Ensure that your dog is well vaccinated, including against leptospirosis, also known as "rat disease." Worm your dog at least four times a year. If your dog is a true hunter or you live in an area where fox tapeworm or heartworm occurs, monthly deworming with something like Milbemax is recommended.

In your Golden Retriever's long coat, ticks can hide well. To prevent diseases, good tick prevention is essential. This can be done with a spot-on like Advantix or a tick collar, but if your dog swims a lot, a tablet like Adtab may be better suited.

The Joints of the Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers commonly suffer from joint problems such as elbow dysplasia and hip dysplasia. Arthritis is one of the most common age-related diseases in Golden Retrievers. To help keep your dog's joints healthy, you can do the following:

  • Prevent obesity.
  • Gradually increase your puppy's exercise and avoid overloading them.
  • Keep your dog active. Especially regular, straight-line movements are good, limit sharp braking and turning. Swimming is a nice low-impact movement that strengthens muscles and relieves joints. Climbing the steep edge of a ditch repeatedly is less ideal.
  • Supplements with fish oil or based on undenatured collagen, such as Flexadin Advanced and harpagophytum, such as Iso-Joint +Acute, can excellently support your Golden Retriever's joints and help them stay as flexible as possible.
  • A special joint-supporting food also helps keep your dog mobile.

Exercise and Activities

Golden Retrievers require a lot of exercise daily, including running and playing off-leash. Be careful with young dogs to avoid joint overload from overly intensive activities like long running or jumping. Swimming is ideal for their muscle development and fitness. Walking and cycling (in moderate temperatures) are also suitable activities.

Golden Retrievers enjoy activities where they work together with their owner, such as obedience training, agility, tracking, and retrieving. Regular mental challenges are essential to prevent boredom. Toys that stimulate their hunting instinct, such as the Trixie Latex Duck, are popular!

With enough attention, exercise, mental challenges, the right care, and of course a lot of love, the Golden Retriever is a companion for life!

If you have any questions about the Golden Retriever or our products, please contact us.

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