Anxiety and stress in the cat

Large eyes with matching pupils, hiding away, loud meowing: these are clear signs that your cat is anxious or stressed. However, the signals in cats are often much more subtle. Stress, like in humans, can also cause physical ailments in cats, such as cystitis or skin problems. All the more reason to ensure that your cat experiences as little stress as possible. If you have an anxious cat or your cat is facing a stressful period, Pharmacy4pets is happy to help you with tips and calming supplements like Zylkene Plus.

What causes stress in a cat?

For cats, changes or threats within their immediate environment are particularly stressful: the arrival of a baby or a new pet, moving houses, but also workmen in the house or a neighborhood cat repeatedly coming into the garden can cause stress. Moreover, cats can make each other's lives miserable. Cats are territorial animals and like to be in control. Changes to their territory, such as a new sofa, being taken away from their trusted environment, for example in a travel basket to the vet, or the loss of control, for example being constantly picked up, quickly causes them stress.

How does a cat exhibit stress?

Unfortunately, cats can't say how they feel, and their body language is not always well understood. Therefore, the symptoms of stress are not always clear. A frightened cat often has wide-open eyes with large pupils and sits in a very typical way: slouching between the shoulder blades. Behavior towards the owner or other animals in the house can change when a cat is stressed. Some cats become more attached, while others retreat more and hide, for example, under the bed. There are cats that excessively groom themselves or urinate in the house when they experience stress. Other cats become lethargic, almost apathetic, and stop eating. Stress and fear can manifest in many ways, and it is important to recognize the signals of stress in your cat.

Reducing stress in your cat

To reduce stress in your cat, it is first important to look at what is causing the stress. Sometimes this is clear, and it is possible to remove the stimulus: ensure that the neighborhood cat can no longer enter the garden or house, explain to the children how to deal with the cat or keep the cat upstairs when visitors come. Also, providing more safe hiding places (preferably high) and placing multiple food and drink bowls and litter boxes throughout the house can help make your cat feel more comfortable, especially if there are more cats in the house and part of the stress in your cat seems to be caused by this.

Medication against stress or sedatives are necessary in some severe or acute situations. For example, around New Year's Eve and for very anxious cats during, for example, a visit to the vet. Sometimes stress-reducing medication is prescribed for the long term. These anti-stress agents must always be combined with behavior therapy, and before using them, your cat should be checked by a veterinarian.

Remedies for Anxiety and Stress

Fortunately, medication is often not necessary and there are many natural products available that have a calming effect. Zylkene is a dietary supplement based on a milk protein, that can be safely used both for short-term stress and in the long term. Pheromones such as in Feliway are scents that have a relaxing effect on cats. Placing a Feliway diffuser in the socket of your new house a few days before moving will make for a much smoother transition to your cat’s new ‘territory’. For every situation, there is a suitable pheromone, Feliway Friends can help improve the atmosphere between cats, while Feliway spray can be sprayed in the travel basket for, for example, a visit to the vet. Other supplements with a calming effect are Anibidiol, based on cannabidiol (CBD) and Telizen, which contains L-theanine from green tea. The Bach Flower therapy used for humans is also available for animals in the form of Bach Rescue Remedy.

Even when using dietary supplements and pheromones, it is always necessary to also consider how the environment and the situation can best be adapted to reduce the anxiety and stress of your cat as much as possible.

You undoubtedly want nothing more than a relaxed cat that feels at home with you. With the above tips and a wide range of natural products, Pharmacy4pets helps your cat relax. If you have a question about our products or about anxiety and stress in the cat, please contact us.