Anxiety and stress in dogs

Stress is sometimes useful and necessary to respond well in certain situations. But too much and too frequent stress is unhealthy. A dog that regularly experiences stress can develop problem behavior. It is therefore important to pay attention to signs of stress and to see if you can adjust things in his living conditions yourself to reduce or prevent stress. Pharmacy4pets has a wide range of calming supplements to help put your dog at ease.

Why does a dog experience stress?

Stress mainly occurs when a dog cannot influence his situation and when he cannot predict events. There are many things that a dog can find exciting or stressful. Some examples include:

  • Loud noises such as fireworks or thunderstorms.
  • Being home alone (separation anxiety).
  • Too little exercise or mental stimulation.
  • Unsettled home situation.
  • Contact with other dogs.
  • Misunderstanding between owner and dog.
  • Poor socialization.

Stress comes in many degrees. Every dog experiences stress or finds something very exciting at times. Even enjoyable things, like playing with another dog, can cause stress. However, some dogs are inherently very fearful and experience stress to a greater or lesser extent throughout their lives. Many problems are seen in anxious dogs adopted from abroad. These dogs are often mistreated and are often not well socialized. The transition to life as a family dog can be very significant. Plenty of rest and even more patience are most important for such dogs.

Signs of stress in dogs

There are several behaviors or signs of stress that are important to learn to recognize:

  • Panting: licking nose and/or lips.
  • Yawning, panting.
  • Looking away, turning away.
  • Showing whites of the eyes.
  • Freezing: the entire body stiffens, mouth becomes stiffly closed.
  • Whining, whimpering, barking.
  • Trembling.
  • Hyperactivity or passivity.
  • Slinking, huddling.
  • Diarrhea.

Reducing stress in dogs

Stress mainly occurs when a dog cannot influence his situation and when he cannot predict events. By being consistent and providing clear but gentle leadership, and also ensuring that your dog's needs are met, you can prevent a lot of stress.

The basic needs of a dog are:

  • Enough rest: Rest promotes recovery from stress. Provide a place where your dog can retreat and where he will not be disturbed.
  • Exercise: The type and amount of exercise depend on the type of dog, its age, and health. A herding dog is intelligent, has an enormous work ethic, and is very focused on its owner. A hunting dog wants to use its nose and needs a lot of exercise, a terrier likes to dig. Every dog should be walked several times a day and ideally be allowed to run freely at least once to release its energy.
  • Sniffing: Smells are important in communication between dogs, and dogs should be able to sniff enough and not be constantly pulled away when they smell something interesting.
  • Mental stimulation: Physical exercise alone is not enough for dogs, their brains also need to be put to work. Dogs need mental stimulation like food puzzles, puzzles, exercises.
  • Attention: Make sure you spend consciously time with your dog every day.
  • Health: Good health is very important for well-being. Physical complaints can lead to pain, the inability to perform natural behavior well, and sometimes even to aggression.

Calming agents

Medication for stress or calming agents are necessary in some intense or acute situations. For example, around New Year's Eve and for very anxious dogs during, for example, a visit to the vet. Sometimes long-term stress-reducing medication is prescribed as well. These anti-stress medications should always be combined with behavioral therapy, and your dog should be examined by a veterinarian before using them.

Natural remedies for stress and anxiety

Fortunately, medication is often not necessary, and there are many natural remedies available that have a calming effect. Zylkene is a dietary supplement based on a milk protein that can be used safely for both short-term stress and long-term stress. Pheromones such as those in the Adaptil collar or diffuser are scents that have a relaxing effect; your dog walks around as if its head is in the clouds. Other supplements with a calming effect are Phytonics Strezz and Telizen, which contains L-theanine from green tea. The Bach Flower therapy used for humans is also available for animals in the form of Bach Rescue Remedy.

Behavioral therapy

Even when using dietary supplements and pheromones, attention should always be paid to how the environment and situation can be best adjusted to minimize your dog's anxiety and stress as much as possible. A qualified behavior therapist can do a lot for you and your dog. Do not wait too long to seek professional help if you cannot figure it out yourself. Prolonged stress is unhealthy for your dog and frustrating for you as an owner.

You probably want nothing more than a relaxed dog who feels good. With the above tips and a wide range of calming products, Pharmacy4pets helps your dog relax. If you have any questions about our products or about anxiety and stress in dogs, please contact us.