Feliway Spray

The Feliway products contains a synthetic variant of the facial pheromone of cats. Pheromones are hormone-like substances that are secreted by animals to communicate with other animals. The cat marks places and objects with the facial pheromone by rubbing its head along it. The marked spots are recognized as familiar and calming by the cat. Marking with facial pheromone prevents marking with urine (the so-called spraying). The Feliway products can be used to make your cat comfortable in a new surrounding or in stress situations, and with unwanted scratching and urine spraying.

The feliway spray can be used to prevent problems such as scratching and spraying and makes visits to the veterinarian less stressful. To prevent tags you have to clean the marked spot thoroughly and then spray Feliway on that spot once a day. 

Simply shake the bottle and spray Feliway once a day on doorways, cat-flaps, window sills and other objects around the house. Use Feliway spray in the cat carrier to help comfort your cat on stressful car journeys or going to the vet. Always wait about 15 minutes before letting your cat near any sprayed areas. The spray is based on alcohol which needs to dampen before your cat comes near the area. Usually there will be an effect after 1 to 2 weeks. For use during travel, you have to spray the transport kennel 4 times, 30 minutes prior to departure.

The package contains 1 spray of 20 or 60 ml. 

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Grouped product items
Feliway Classic Spray 20 ml
Feliway Classic Spray 60 ml


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The Feliway products contains a synthetic variant of the facial pheromone of cats. Pheromones are hormone-like substances that are secreted by animals to communicate with other animals. The cat marks places and objects with the facial pheromone by rubbing its head along it. The marked spots are recognized as familiar and calming by the cat. Marking with facial pheromone prevents marking with urine (the so-called spraying). The Feliway products can be used to make your cat comfortable in a new surrounding or in stress situations, and with unwanted scratching and urine spraying.

The feliway spray can be used to prevent problems such as scratching and spraying and makes visits to the veterinarian less stressful. To prevent tags you have to clean the marked spot thoroughly and then spray Feliway on that spot once a day. 

Simply shake the bottle and spray Feliway once a day on doorways, cat-flaps, window sills and other objects around the house. Use Feliway spray in the cat carrier to help comfort your cat on stressful car journeys or going to the vet. Always wait about 15 minutes before letting your cat near any sprayed areas. The spray is based on alcohol which needs to dampen before your cat comes near the area. Usually there will be an effect after 1 to 2 weeks. For use during travel, you have to spray the transport kennel 4 times, 30 minutes prior to departure.

The package contains 1 spray of 20 or 60 ml. 

Feliway spray for cats.

Animal Cat
Prescription required Netherlands No
Prescription required Germany No
Prescription required France No
Prescription required Spain No
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