Fendiresp | 100 ml

Fendiresp is a complementary pet food for dogs and cats, soothing and supporting the respiratory tract. This dietary supplement has botanical herbs including Icelandic moss, Ifte extract, Holly tincture and Liquorice as its base. Iceland moss has soothing, healing and cough-relieving effects. Glycyrrhizic acid, present in liquorice, provides a sweet taste. Watercress is a natural source of vitamin C and sulphurous substances.

Fendiresp can be administered with food or directly into the mouth. The recommended duration of administration is 10 days.

Recommended quantity obv body weight:

Dog 0-10 kg = 2x per day 2 ml
Dog >10-20 kg = 3 ml twice a day
Dog 20 kg+ = 4 ml twice a day
Cat = 2 ml twice a day

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Incl. VAT. Shipping costs: €2.95 (from €59), €4.95 (€30-€59) or €5.95 - more information

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Fendiresp is a complementary pet food for dogs and cats, soothing and supporting the respiratory tract. This dietary supplement has botanical herbs including Icelandic moss, Ifte extract, Holly tincture and Liquorice as its base. Iceland moss has soothing, healing and cough-relieving effects. Glycyrrhizic acid, present in liquorice, provides a sweet taste. Watercress is a natural source of vitamin C and sulphurous substances.

Fendiresp can be administered with food or directly into the mouth. The recommended duration of administration is 10 days.

Recommended quantity obv body weight:

Dog 0-10 kg = 2x per day 2 ml
Dog >10-20 kg = 3 ml twice a day
Dog 20 kg+ = 4 ml twice a day
Cat = 2 ml twice a day

Fendiresp | 100 ml

Animal Dog, Cat
Prescription required Netherlands No
Prescription required Germany No
Prescription required France No
Prescription required Spain No
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