Orozyme bucco-fresh Dental Croq

Orozyme bucco-fresh Dental Croq is an 100% natural aditional nutrition that cleans the teeth of your dog or cat. The snacks prevens dental plaque with your dog or cat. The snacks clean the teeth that also gives your dog or cat a fresh smelling breath.

The snacks are meant for dogs with a bodyweight under 10 kg or over 10 kg.

The package contains 60 gr or 150 gr.

Attention:  Dental plaque that has already formed on the teeth of your dog will not be removed by using the snacks. U can keep the teeth of the dog clean with these snacks. 

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Grouped product items
Orozyme bucco-fresh Dental Croq < 10 kg 60 grams
Orozyme bucco-fresh Dental Croq > 10 kg 150 grams


Incl. VAT. Shipping costs: €2.95 (from €59), €4.95 (€30-€59) or €5.95 - more information

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Orozyme bucco-fresh Dental Croq is an 100% natural aditional nutrition that cleans the teeth of your dog or cat. The snacks prevens dental plaque with your dog or cat. The snacks clean the teeth that also gives your dog or cat a fresh smelling breath.

The snacks are meant for dogs with a bodyweight under 10 kg or over 10 kg.

The package contains 60 gr or 150 gr.

Attention:  Dental plaque that has already formed on the teeth of your dog will not be removed by using the snacks. U can keep the teeth of the dog clean with these snacks. 

Orozyme bucco-fresh Dental Croq

Animal Dog, Cat
Prescription required Netherlands No
Prescription required Germany No
Prescription required France No
Prescription required Spain No
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