Oto-Aid ear cleaner is a safe and mild ear cleaner for dogs and cats. It contains substances which soften the horny layer of the skin without irritating the ear canal. For a thorough cleaning of the ear canal. Oto-Aid contains also various plant extracts that help inhibit present inflammation . In addition, they have a healing effect on the damaged skin of the ear canal. The PH of Oto-Aid is around 3, so you also can use it for fighting yeast infections. Oto-Aid cannot be used if the eardrum is not intact!
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Oto-Aid ear cleaner is a safe and mild ear cleaner for dogs and cats. It contains substances which soften the horny layer of the skin without irritating the ear canal. For a thorough cleaning of the ear canal. Oto-Aid contains also various plant extracts that help inhibit present inflammation . In addition, they have a healing effect on the damaged skin of the ear canal. The PH of Oto-Aid is around 3, so you also can use it for fighting yeast infections. Oto-Aid cannot be used if the eardrum is not intact!