Seresto Collar Cat

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Seresto Flea Collar

Seresto is an innovative collar that protects cats for up to 8 months against fleas and ticks.


Seresto contains the active ingredients imidacloprid and flumethrin. The Seresto collar works against adult fleas for 7 to 8 months and against flea larvae for 8 months. Against ticks, the Seresto collar works for 8 months. Additionally, Seresto has a repellent effect against ticks. This repellent effect prevents ticks from feeding on your cat, thereby significantly reducing the risk of tick-transmitted diseases. Furthermore, Seresto reduces the risk of infection with Leishmania infantum transmitted by sandflies for up to 8 months. Seresto does not work against mites.

The collar is for external use only, is water-resistant, and odorless. Thanks to the special "polymer matrix" of the collar, the highest concentration of active ingredients is inside the collar, while the concentration on the outside of the collar is much lower. This makes the Seresto collar very safe to use. Therefore, Seresto is also safe for other animals and children. The active ingredient is not located on the outside of the collar but adheres to the sebum layer of the skin. Hence, the collar is considered safe. This has also been confirmed by a series of safety studies conducted among users. Therefore, the animal can be safely petted after applying the collar. However, ensure that a child does not hold the collar for more than 15-20 minutes. The Seresto collar for cats contains a special safety mechanism that ensures the collar comes loose or breaks if the cat gets stuck.


Seresto can be used on kittens from 10 weeks of age. However, note that kittens grow fast, so loosen the collar in time.
When applying the collar, it is important to remove the remnants of the plastic connecting pieces on the inside of the collar. Then, place the collar around your cat's neck, without tightening it too much (leave about two fingers' space between the neck and the collar). Then, pass the excess collar through the loop and cut this piece off, leaving 2 cm. After applying the collar, the active ingredients will then spread over the rest of the cat's body.

Seresto Flea Collar for Cats

Length: 38 cm
Contains: 1.25 grams of imidacloprid and 0.56 grams of flumethrin

The collar is delivered without a reflector.

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Grouped product items
Seresto Collar Cat | 38 cm
Seresto Collar Cat | 38 cm | 2 pieces


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Seresto Flea Collar

Seresto is an innovative collar that protects cats for up to 8 months against fleas and ticks.


Seresto contains the active ingredients imidacloprid and flumethrin. The Seresto collar works against adult fleas for 7 to 8 months and against flea larvae for 8 months. Against ticks, the Seresto collar works for 8 months. Additionally, Seresto has a repellent effect against ticks. This repellent effect prevents ticks from feeding on your cat, thereby significantly reducing the risk of tick-transmitted diseases. Furthermore, Seresto reduces the risk of infection with Leishmania infantum transmitted by sandflies for up to 8 months. Seresto does not work against mites.

The collar is for external use only, is water-resistant, and odorless. Thanks to the special "polymer matrix" of the collar, the highest concentration of active ingredients is inside the collar, while the concentration on the outside of the collar is much lower. This makes the Seresto collar very safe to use. Therefore, Seresto is also safe for other animals and children. The active ingredient is not located on the outside of the collar but adheres to the sebum layer of the skin. Hence, the collar is considered safe. This has also been confirmed by a series of safety studies conducted among users. Therefore, the animal can be safely petted after applying the collar. However, ensure that a child does not hold the collar for more than 15-20 minutes. The Seresto collar for cats contains a special safety mechanism that ensures the collar comes loose or breaks if the cat gets stuck.


Seresto can be used on kittens from 10 weeks of age. However, note that kittens grow fast, so loosen the collar in time.
When applying the collar, it is important to remove the remnants of the plastic connecting pieces on the inside of the collar. Then, place the collar around your cat's neck, without tightening it too much (leave about two fingers' space between the neck and the collar). Then, pass the excess collar through the loop and cut this piece off, leaving 2 cm. After applying the collar, the active ingredients will then spread over the rest of the cat's body.

Seresto Flea Collar for Cats

Length: 38 cm
Contains: 1.25 grams of imidacloprid and 0.56 grams of flumethrin

The collar is delivered without a reflector.

Gebruik tijdens dracht, lactatie en bij kittens

Het wordt aanbevolen om Seresto halsbanden niet te gebruiken bij drachtige en lacterende poezen en bij kittens jonger dan 10 weken. Ook mag Seresto niet gebruikt worden in geval van een bekende overgevoeligheid voor de werkzame bestanddelen of één van de hulpstoffen.


Soms wordt bij dieren die niet gewend zijn aan het dragen van een halsband, krabben aan de toedieningsplaats waargenomen tijdens de eerste dagen na het aanbrengen van de halsband.  Milde huidreacties als jeuk, roodheid en haarverlies kunnen voorkomen op de toedieningsplaats. In zeer zeldzame gevallen kunnen ernstigere huidreacties als dermatitis, ontsteking, eczeem of laesies optreden. In het geval van deze ernstigere huidreacties wordt aanbevolen de halsband te verwijderen. In zeldzame gevallen kunnen ook lichte en voorbijgaande reacties als depressie, verandering van voedselinname, speekselen, braken en diarree voorkomen.

Animal Cat, Kitten
Prescription required Netherlands No
Prescription required Germany Yes
Prescription required France No
Prescription required Spain No
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